This record is full to the brim with ultra groove. By that I mean the slowest, stop-startiest riffs from Soils of Fate and Vomit Remnants and just playing them nearly continuously. There are also shades from last year's Torture of Decimation by Human Rejection, especially in the vocal department. This is seriously groovy. If you don't get the urge to bang your head when you listen to this you have something wrong with you. I like to think of this burgeoning style as "bouncy slam" (a term I would also ascribe to Human Rejection). There are blasting riffs scattered about to change things up here and there and they actually are well written and audible, which is not something you always find in slam. To add to the death metal mix, CI also add a few well placed pinch harmonics, which seems to be something of an Italian trademark (see Putridity's album).
What makes this record unique though is the addition of some melodic lines and rock riffs. The best example of the melodic aspect is at the end of "Menstrual Problems" when the slams cut out and you get this nice little melodic riff... and then BAM! the slams come back in. "I Will Rape You on a Pallet" showcases a catchy rock riff amidst the heavy grooves found throughout the rest of the album. There is also a great solo in the middle of "Scat Force". What I really like about these things is that they create memorability and make the slams seem that much more heavy when places next to nonmetal riffs. Thankfully CI know how to keep these things to an appropriate minimum. A slam album with some well-written, interesting nonmetal parts like this one is cool and unique. A half-slam, half-rock album would suck.
If you want something cool and different, while still being sick and brutal, check this out. It will be worth your money.
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